I'm fundraising for The Run Beyond Project.
A charity close to my heart, The Run Beyond Project empowers students by asking them to go beyond their comfort zone. These students aren't runners. They're high school students from a variety of circumstances who commit to undertaking this program in order to develop personal and social capabilities that see them not only get to the finish line of their Goal Race, but thrive beyond this, personally and as contributing members to their communities. They are young people who have had the same opportunities as you and I.
Run Beyond has graduated over 400 students so far, including 90 indigenous students, 47 students from refugee backgrounds, and 19 who have been in out-of-home care, as well as students impacted by numerous other factors such as exposure to discrimination and long-term parental unemployment.
I'm participating in The Beyond Barriers Virtual Run and going beyond my limits to empower these students in need! Any donation you can give, large of small, will have a huge impact on the lives of these young people.
Go Nick You are the best!