About Run Beyond

The Run Beyond Project empowers high school students in need by asking them to go beyond their comfort zone.

These students aren't runners. They’re regular students from a variety of circumstances who commit to undertaking this program in order to develop personal and social capabilities that see them not only get to the finish line of their Goal Race, but thrive beyond this, personally and as contributing members to their communities.

Central to our model are teachers. The project is delivered by the students’ own teachers within their school setting. Teachers know their students better than any external provider. Teachers with a passion for not only running - but also for ensuring their students thrive - volunteer to implement Run Beyond in their school in their own time.

This is based on UNICEF’s STARS (Safety, Trust, Attachment, Responsibility, Skills) model which posits that vulnerable young people are best placed to thrive when in an environment in which they feel a sense of safety, trust and attachment. This is the best breeding ground for the development of responsibility and skills.

We provide teachers with the training, curriculum materials, and support. Teachers provide their passion and their time. After completing our training day, students are selected and training commences, geared towards the completion of a challenging but achievable Goal Race.

Throughout the training, students complete a curriculum which explores how the capabilities needed to complete this goal race, including goal-setting, commitment and resilience, can be used beyond the finish line and beyond the context of running.

Run Beyond has graduated over 395 students through our program so far, including 88 indigenous students, 47 students from refugee backgrounds, and 18 who have been in out-of-home care, as well as students impacted by numerous other factors such as exposure to discrimination and long-term parental unemployment.

Here’s what some of our graduates have had to say about Run Beyond:

“It’s something that I will always talk about and … that I recommend other people to try because it changed my perspective on the world.”

- Mohamed – 2016 Graduate

“Throughout this journey I’ve been given opportunities I never would’ve thought of having before. I’ve made friendships and unforgettable memories; accomplished goals; received awesome freebies; and met some very inspirational people. A lot of this wouldn’t have been accomplishable if it wasn’t for the help of teachers and support from the community. If you were to ask me to run 10km 4 months ago I would’ve died at the thought (not literally), but that was me then. The me now would be able to run that 10km I never would’ve thought of doing. It’s not impossible. Have a goal? That’s great. But what are you doing about it? You are capable of doing so many things if you put your mind to it.”

- Marissa – 2016 Graduate

“The RBP has been such a positive experience for me and I believe in myself more now than I ever have.”

- Manar – 2017 Graduate

“Thank you so much for the great opportunity that you gave all the students and teachers…I learnt so many things about running, sills, friendships and everything…We are all so grateful for the great experience…The Run was challenging but through those trainings I learnt to push through…Thanks heaps for everything you did for us all, I don’t know what to say, thank you isn’t enough…”

- Poppy – 2019 Graduate

“I am now more motivated…more confidence to take new steps to reach my goals”

– 2020 Graduate

“The best thing about the project was challenging our self…and meeting other schools…This project show us keep going for your goals you will reach that.”

– 2020 Graduate

“The best thing about this project was that we all worked as a team.”

– 2020 Graduate