How do I track my kilometres online?

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To track your kilometres manually, log into your account and from your Dashboard select My Fitness Activity from the sub navigation, you can add the date, type of activity, and amount of kilometres completed, once done click the save button.

What apps can I use to track my runs?

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You can track your runs using Strava or Fitbit, and then upload it to your Dashboard to share your runs on your fundraising page.

Who are the beneficiaries of this event?

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All funds raised go towards the implementation of The Run Beyond Project in high schools. This process begins with the training of teachers to deliver the project within their own school setting.

Teachers then work with their school's welfare team to identify candidates who meet our selection criteria which relate to a broad spectrum of needs and marginalised groups, including refugee students, indigenous students, students in out-of-home-care and students who have been impacted by domestic violence and long-term parental unemployment.

The project commences once students have been selected, approved and accept their positions. Funds are used to provide professionally-fitted shoes and apparel for our students as they work towards their Goal Race. Travel, accomodation, race entries, and associated costs are all funded by Run Beyond.

Our project provides a support network to students who otherwise lack these opportunities. The opportunities we provide empower students to thrive beyond the completion of the project, and build a more inclusive running community as a more diverse range of faces grace our startlines!

When is the event?

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22 September to 13 October 2024.

Enter as a team (we'll find you one if you're flying solo) and see how many kilometres your team can accrue throughout the three weeks.

Can you complete the 876 km Beyond Barriers Virtual Run from Albert Park to Parramatta?

Can you help me find a team?

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Sure, click on Looking for a Team  and we'll sort you out! You may even make a new running buddy or two along the way! cool

Can you help me find members for my team?

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Sure, click on Looking for a Member and we'll sort you out! It might even lead to a new running buddy or two! cool

How many members can I have in my team?

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Up to 10 members can be in any team. 

While the teams can be made up of 2 to 10 people ideally we would suggest enough to make it a challenge. You've got 21 days to make 876km. If you and a few friends could do that, then try for a team of 5. If you think it might take 10 friends to make the distance, then start recruiting!