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The Beyond Barriers Virtual Run (22 September to 13 October 2024) - Go Beyond to break down barriers and empower young people facing challenges!
In 2024 Beyond Barriers Virtual Run will cover 876 kilometres, starting in conjuction with one of our Goal Races - Run Prix at Albert Park Victoria and finishing in conjuction with another Goal Race - 3 Bridges Run in Parramatta! The funds generated from the run, with your support, will help the Run Beyond Project to continue to provide a framework which teachers can use to connect with and empower young people beyond the finish line.
The Run Beyond Project empowers students by asking them to go beyond their comfort zone. Our students aren't runners. They're high school students from a variety of circumstances who commit to undertaking our program in order to develop personal and social capabilities that see them not only get to the finish line of their Goal Race, but thrive beyond this, personally and as contributing members to their communities.
We have graduated over 395 students through our program so far, including 88 indigenous students, 47 students from refugee backgrounds, and 18 who have been in out-of-home care, as well as students impacted by numerous other factors such as exposure to discrimination and long-term parental unemployment.
About the Run Beyond Project
The Run Beyond Project was founded in 2015 when teacher and marathon enthusiast, David Criniti persuaded 5 of his Chester Hill High School students, all from refugee backgrounds, to go beyond what they thought possible and train for a half-marathon. It quickly developed into a program used by teachers in schools across Australia to help young people progress towards a goal, and acquire valuable skills which can be applied to enable them to excel in all areas of their lives, beyond the context of running.
Take the challenge to make a difference!
Beyond Barriers Team Challenge
To show your support of The Run Beyond Project and help us enable more students beyond 2024, see if your team can notch up the 876km it takes to get from Albert Park, home to one of our major supporters - Run Prix to Parramatta, home of another major supporter - 3 Bridges Run.
Set your own challenge...whether it be a very dedicated team of 2 clocking up 20 kms each a day or a full team of 10 running for 4 kms each per day! Each and every team member is a valuable runner and will have a positive impact!
Our Partners
Interested in supporting The Run Beyond Project? Contact us
All Donations are Tax Deductible
Entry Fees are not Tax Deductible
Top Fundraisers
- Athanasios Lyngris just donated $32
- Christopher Fannin just donated $53
- Zoya jammal just donated $6
- Ann de Villiers just donated $213
- Ciran kumar just donated $51
- James Golland just donated $21
- James Golland just donated $78
- Owen Nelson just donated $21
- Therese Kosarew just donated $32
- Sheryl Cao just donated $5
- Karen Watson just donated $53
- Ian Watson just donated $101
- Vivian Antoun just donated $21
- Christian Batey just donated $53
- Niamh Black just donated $53
- Eoin Sheridan just donated $51
- Shaun Pearce just donated $51
- Mark Kerr just donated $54
- Thomas Cunniffe just donated $21
- João Sales just donated $21